cEDH European Championship

MUNICH - 22/23 November 2025

Our main goal is to grow the cEDH Scene in Europe, providing a High Quality tournament experience to all players.

The Tournament

cEDH European Championship

A New Standard

2025 will set new standards for the European cEDH Community while TO's from different countries joined forces to bring everyone the best year of cEDH ever!

How To Get A Ticket

From January 2025 to October 2025 several Qualifiers will be held all over Europe, and winners will earn an invitation to join us in Munich on November 22nd and 23rd for the grand Season Finale.

More than just a tournament

We will also have artists, vendors and side events.

An Amazing Venue

The tournament will take place in the Conference Center Kolpinghaus. It's located in the center of Munich, surrounded by pubs and restaurants!

Join Our Discord

Our Discord server is where the official communication happens. Join our community and be part of the most amazing tournament in Europe.

Be Respectful

We all enjoy Magic, and we want to offer a nice and safe space where people can express themselves.

Top Cut
dragon shield



Some of the artists you'll find the day of the tournament.




Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get a ticket?

You can win an Invitational Ticket by competing in and winning a Qualifier Event.
Exact conditions differ from country to country so get in contact with your region representative. If there is a surplus of slots, Public Tickets will be available for sale.

Why do i need a topdeck account?

It is required to access your events, submit decklist, and view match pairings the day of the event. The account is free to signup on topdeck.gg.

How do I submit my decklist?

Login to topdeck.gg after register. Then go to "Events" and find your Event. Submit you decklist link in the form provided.

Where is the tournament?

The tournament will take place in the center of Munich.
Tagungszentrum Kolpinghaus München-Zentral GmbH, Adolf-Kolping-Straße 1, 80336 München.

Where to get food and drinks?

You are in the center of Munich. Restaurants and pubs are everywhere. The venue has a restaurant next door. Please keep in mind that supermarkets are closed on Sunday. The nearest supermarkets are LIDL and REWE.

Are proxys allowed?

Yes, playtest cards are allowed.
There is no need for extra approval if your playtest cards have their original name and use official artwork (e.g. you can find it on scryfall).
Other variants are handled as regular alters and need approval.

How should I proxy my cards?

Papers in front of a magic card will not be allowed and must be in color with official MTG Art.
All playtest cards must be approved, you can use our Discord server for approval.

Are alters allowed?

Yes, but all alters must be approved by the Head Judge, you can use our Discord server for approval of the design.
You still have to show them in person before the event starts for final approval, so make sure you bring a substitute just in case.

Can I only win a ticket in my own country?

No, every player can win any invitational event in any country to qualify for Munich.

I have some mobility problems, and its hard moving around the venue, can i participate?

Yes, we encourage everyone to come and play, the staff will be there to help you and if needed we can allocate a specific table to play in the tournament that best suits your personal needs, you can contact us to arrange all the details.

I can't attend any qualifiers but still want an awesome weekend of cEDH.

We got you! With our Last Chance Qualifier you can still qualify on Friday. If you don't qualify for the finals we got a side event on Sunday and a lgs is organizing a event on Saturday in Munich.

Can I go to the event if im not playing?

Yes, access to the venue is free, and we will also have side events you can join all weekend.
If you don't want to play competitively you can also play casual games with your friends and enjoy the event

I'm not able to attend on short notice due to unforeseen circumstances

Please note that in general, there are no refunds. You have until Wednesday, November 19th, to contact your Euro Organizer to find a solution. After this date, your ticket will be added to the price pool of the Last Chance Qualifier, allowing others to purchase it from you.

What about vendors and artists?

We will have Vendors, full schedule soon, if you're an artist and would like your space in the event, please contact us.

I won two Invitational events, can I give one entry to a friend?

Yes, If a player already won a Invitational event, they can give the entry to another player participating in the tournament, priority should always be another TOP4 player, and TO's/LGS are responsible to make sure fairness is applied.

Can you recommend and hotel nearby?

We are currently talking to some hotels to get you a discount. We will inform you here.